HOME 1960/1975           HOME

That's rock'n roll / Great expectations

2C010 97261   Arista

1975   sacem

All by myself / Everything

2C010 97354   Arista

1976   sacem

Never gonna fall in love again / Sunrise

2C006 97765   Arista

1976   sacem

She did it / Someday

2C006 99476   Arista

1977   sacem

Boats against the current / Take it or leave it

2C006 60326   Arista

1978   sacem

It hurts too much / You need some lovin'

101 736   Arista

1980   sacem

I wanna heart it from your lips / Spotlight

A 4956   Geffen

1984   biem/stemra

I'm through with love / Maybe my baby

A 6219   Geffen

1985   biem/stemra > pochettes 1960/1975